Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oh the Joy of being a BOY!!!

I really need to update this blog more often, here's to an effort in that direction!

Monday, January 21, 2008

About Me

Hi Everyone! My name is Stephanie Winger, I'm almost 27 years old I have the world's best husband, three beautiful and fun children and I LOVE photography! I started my own photography business almost 2 years ago and it has been so much fun! It got very busy, very fast and it's been quite overwhelming at times, but with the addition of my third baby recently, I have learned (or rather, had to) slow down a bit!

I absolutely love children, and I found after years of doing on the side photography for friends and family that children is where my love of taking pictures truly resides. I have always loved taking pictures, even as a youngster. My bedroom in high school had an entire wall covered in photographs of my friends and family. Friends often spent long periods of time just staring at that wall! I took some photo classes in high school, but wasn't very good at working my Dad's 60 year old completely manual camera. It took great pictures, when I could get the numbers right! I got back into photography when I went to Snow College, and completed a degree in photography at Utah Valley State College. I worked at Kiddie Kandids for about a year, and found my love of photographing children there, but soon discovered that I wasn't really into the posing and props bit. Three years later, after my second baby was born, we opened a studio in our basement. I have found that I love looking at the pictures of other people's beautiful children as much as I love looking at my own kids.

I have made a lot of good friends doing this business, partly because I get to see most of my newborn babies every three months. It's been so much fun to watch them grow up, and I'm always sad when they turn 1 because I don't get to see them as often after that! I enjoy meeting new people and I have never had a client I didn't like. All of my clients are the best! They have been so patient with me since our newest baby came, I have very little time to work on pictures now!

I'm looking forward to another year of meeting new people and taking pictures of more and more beautiful children. I'm doing a website overhaul shortly, so watch for your children's pictures to be in my gallery, finally!

I'm so grateful for the support and love my clients, friends and family have shown to me these past two years. It has been amazing to see the blessings that each new person I meet brings into my life!